Revistas Indexadas Internacionais
Em 01/09/14 10:27
Atualizada em 26/11/14 16:02
Publicações Encontradas na base de dados PUBMED.
- Hypotensive and antihypertensive potential of 4-[(1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl) methyl]1-piperazine carboxylic acid ethyl ester: A piperazine derivative. Fajemiroye JO, Amaral NO, da Silva EF, Galdino PM, de Oliveira TS, Ghedini PC, Zjawiony JK, Costa EA, Pedrino GR, Menegatti R. Life Sci. 2014 Jul 26.
- Manganese ferrite-based nanoparticles induce ex vivo, but not in vivo, cardiovascular effects. Nunes AD, Ramalho LS, Souza AP, Mendes EP, Colugnati DB, Zufelato N, Sousa MH, Bakuzis AF, Castro CH. Int J Nanomedicine. 2014 Jul 8;9:3299-312.
- Increased Expression of Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptors in the Solitary-Vagal Complex Blunts Renovascular Hypertension. Blanch GT, Freiria-Oliveira AH, Speretta GF, Carrera EJ, Li H, Speth RC, Colombari E, Sumners C, Colombari DS. Hypertension. 2014 Jun 23.
- Hypotensive and vasorelaxant effects of (E) - methyl isoeugenol: a naturally occurring food flavour. Fajemiroye JO, da Silva EF, de Oliveira TS, de Oliveira LP, Akanmu MA, Ghedini PC, Pedrino GR, Costa EA. Food Chem Toxicol. 2014 Aug;70:214-21.
- Catecholaminergic Medullary Pathways and Cardiovascular Responses to Expanded Circulating Volume and Increased Osmolarity. Pedrino GR, Rosa DA, Lopes OU, Cravo SL. In: De Luca LA, Menani JV, Johnson AK, editors. Neurobiology of Body Fluid Homeostasis: Transduction and Integration. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 2014. Chapter 8.
- Emotional stress and sympathetic activity: contribution of dorsomedial hypothalamus to cardiac arrhythmias. Fontes MA, Xavier CH, Marins FR, Limborço-Filho M, Vaz GC, Müller-Ribeiro FC, Nalivaiko E. Brain Res. 2014 Mar 20;1554:49-58.
- Involvement of the median preoptic nucleus in blood pressure control. de Lima Silveira L, da Silva EF, de Andrade AM, Xavier CH, Freiria-Oliveira AH, Colugnati DB, de Castro CH, Colombari E, Pedrino GR. Neurosci Lett. 2014 Jan 13;558:91-6.
- Discharge of RVLM vasomotor neurons is not increased in anesthetized angiotensin II-salt hypertensive rats. Pedrino GR, Calderon AS, Andrade MA, Cravo SL, Toney GM. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2013 Dec;305(12):H1781-9.
- Lesion of the commissural nucleus of the solitary tract/A2 noradrenergic neurons facilitates the activation of angiotensinergic mechanisms in response to hemorrhage. Freiria-Oliveira AH, Blanch GT, De Paula PM, Menani JV, Colombari DS. Neuroscience. 2013 Dec 19;254:196-204.
- Malnutrition alters the cardiovascular responses induced by central injection of tityustoxin in Fischer rats. Silva FC, Guidine PA, Ribeiro MF, Fernandes LG, Xavier CH, de Menezes RC, Silva ME, Moraes-Santos T, Moraes MF, Chianca DA Jr. Toxicon. 2013 Dec 15;76:343-9.
- A1 noradrenergic neurons lesions reduce natriuresis and hypertensive responses to hypernatremia in rats. da Silva EF, Freiria-Oliveira AH, Custódio CH, Ghedini PC, Bataus LA, Colombari E, de Castro CH, Colugnati DB, Rosa DA, Cravo SL, Pedrino GR. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 10;8(9):e73187.
- Activation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2/angiotensin-(1-7)/Mas axis attenuates the cardiac reactivity to acute emotional stress. Martins Lima A, Xavier CH, Ferreira AJ, Raizada MK, Wallukat G, Velloso EP, dos Santos RA, Fontes MA. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2013 Oct 1;305(7):H1057-67.
- Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade restores angiotensin-(1-7)-induced coronary vasodilation in hypertrophic rat hearts. Souza ÁP, Sobrinho DB, Almeida JF, Alves GM, Macedo LM, Porto JE, Vêncio EF, Colugnati DB, Santos RA, Ferreira AJ, Mendes EP, Castro CH. Clin Sci (Lond). 2013 Nov;125(9):449-59.
- Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activation improves endothelial function. Fraga-Silva RA, Costa-Fraga FP, Murça TM, Moraes PL, Martins Lima A, Lautner RQ, Castro CH, Soares CM, Borges CL, Nadu AP, Oliveira ML, Shenoy V, Katovich MJ, Santos RA, Raizada MK, Ferreira AJ. Hypertension. 2013 Jun;61(6):1233-8.
- Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation reduces resting heart rate of rats with epilepsy. Lopes MD, Colugnati DB, Lopes AC, Scorza CA, Cavalheiro EA, Cysneiros RM, Scorza FA. Epilepsy Behav. 2013 Jun;27(3):504-6.
- Asymmetry in the control of cardiac performance by dorsomedial hypothalamus. Xavier CH, Beig MI, Ianzer D, Fontes MA, Nalivaiko E. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2013 Apr 15;304(8):R664-74.
- Inhibitory mechanism of the nucleus of the solitary tract involved in the control of cardiovascular, dipsogenic, hormonal, and renal responses to hyperosmolality. Blanch GT, Freiria-Oliveira AH, Murphy D, Paulin RF, Antunes-Rodrigues J, Colombari E, Menani JV, Colombari DS. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2013 Apr 1;304(7):R531-42.
- Hypotensive effect of Aspidosperma subincanum Mart. in rats and its mechanism of vasorelaxation in isolated arteries. Bernardes MJ, de Carvalho FS, Lima Silveira L, de Paula JR, Bara MT, Garrote CF, Pedrino GR, Rocha ML. J Ethnopharmacol. 2013 Jan 9;145(1):227-32.
- Macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the nucleus of solitary tract decreases blood pressure in SHRs. Freiria-Oliveira AH, Blanch GT, Li H, Colombari E, Colombari DS, Sumners C. Cardiovasc Res. 2013 Jan 1;97(1):153-60.
- Endothelium-Dependent Vasorelaxant Effect of Butanolic Fraction from Caryocar brasiliense Camb. Leaves in Rat Thoracic Aorta. de Oliveira LM, Rodrigues AG, da Silva EF, Cerqueira LB, Castro CH, Pedrino GR, de Carvalho MH, Pontarolo R, Costa EA, Campos FR, Filgueira FP, Ghedini PC. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:934142.
- A2 noradrenergic lesions prevent renal sympathoinhibition induced by hypernatremia in rats. Pedrino GR, Freiria-Oliveira AH, Almeida Colombari DS, Rosa DA, Cravo SL. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e37587.
- Interaction of medullary P2 and glutamate receptors mediates the vasodilation in the hindlimb of rat. Korim WS, Ferreira-Neto ML, Pedrino GR, Pilowsky PM, Cravo SL. Purinergic Signal. 2012 Dec;8(4):715-28. doi: 10.1007/s11302-012-9318-3.
- New cardiovascular and pulmonary therapeutic strategies based on the Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2/angiotensin-(1-7)/mas receptor axis. Ferreira AJ, Murça TM, Fraga-Silva RA, Castro CH, Raizada MK, Santos RA. Int J Hypertens. 2012;2012:147825.
- Improvement of the energy supply and contractile function in normal and ischemic rat hearts by dietary orotic acid. Pôrto LC, de Castro CH, Savergnini SS, Santos SH, Ferreira AV, Cordeiro LM, Sobrinho DB, Santos RA, de Almeida AP, Botion LM. Life Sci. 2012 Apr 9;90(13-14):476-83.
- Angiotensin-(1-7) receptor Mas is an essential modulator of extracellular matrix protein expression in the heart. Gava E, de Castro CH, Ferreira AJ, Colleta H, Melo MB, Alenina N, Bader M, Oliveira LA, Santos RA, Kitten GT. Regul Pept. 2012 Apr 10;175(1-3):30-42.
- BPP-5a produces a potent and long-lasting NO-dependent antihypertensive effect. Ianzer D, Xavier CH, Fraga FC, Lautner RQ, Guerreiro JR, Machado LT, Mendes EP, de Camargo AC, Santos RA. Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis. 2011 Dec;5(6):281-95.
- Involvement of catecholaminergic medullary pathways in cardiovascular responses to acute changes in circulating volume. Cravo SL, Lopes OU, Pedrino GR. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2011 Sep;44(9):877-82. Epub 2011 Jul 22. Review.
- Repeated amygdala-kindled seizures induce ictal rebound tachycardia in rats. Pansani AP, Colugnati DB, Schoorlemmer GH, Sonoda EY, Cavalheiro EA, Arida RM, Scorza FA, Cravo SL. Epilepsy Behav. 2011 Nov;22(3):442-9.
- Cardiovascular adjustments induced by hypertonic saline in hemorrhagic rats: Involvement of carotid body chemoreceptors. Pedrino GR, Rossi MV, Schoorlemmer GH, Lopes OU, Cravo SL. Auton Neurosci. 2011 Feb 24;160(1-2):37-41
- Investigation of the cardiomyocyte dysfunction in bradykinin type 2 receptor knockout mice. Roman-Campos D, Duarte HL, Gomes ER, Castro CH, Guatimosim S, Natali AJ, Almeida AP, Pesquero JB, Pesquero JL, Cruz JS. Life Sci. 2010 Dec 18;87(23-26):715-23.
- Tachycardias and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: a gold rush by an experimental route. Pansani AP, Colugnati DB, Sonoda EY, Arida RM, Cravo SL, Schoorlemmer GH, Cavalheiro EA, Scorza FA. Epilepsy Behav. 2010 Nov;19(3):546-7
- Carbamazepine does not alter the intrinsic cardiac function in rats with epilepsy. Colugnati DB, Arida RM, Cysneiros RM, Terra VC, Sonoda EY, Pansani AP, Scorza CA, Cavalheiro EA, Scorza FA. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2010 Aug;68(4):573-8.
- Does enhanced respiratory-sympathetic coupling contribute to peripheral neural mechanisms of angiotensin II-salt hypertension? Toney GM, Pedrino GR, Fink GD, Osborn JW. Exp Physiol. 2010 May;95(5):587-94.
- Attenuation of isoproterenol-induced cardiac fibrosis in transgenic rats harboring an angiotensin-(1-7)-producing fusion protein in the heart. Ferreira AJ, Castro CH, Guatimosim S, Almeida PW, Gomes ER, Dias-Peixoto MF, Alves MN, Fagundes-Moura CR, Rentzsch B, Gava E, Almeida AP, Guimarães AM, Kitten GT, Reudelhuber T, Bader M, Santos RA. Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis. 2010 Apr;4(2):83-96.
- Role of the medulla oblongata in normal and high arterial blood pressure regulation: the contribution of Escola Paulista de Medicina - UNIFESP. Cravo SL, Campos RR, Colombari E, Sato MA, Bergamaschi CM, Pedrino GR, Ferreira-Neto ML, Lopes OU. An Acad Bras Cienc. 2009 Sep;81(3):589-603. Review.
- Renal vasodilation induced by hypernatraemia: role of alpha-adrenoceptors in the median preoptic nucleus. Pedrino GR, Monaco LR, Cravo SL. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2009 Dec;36(12):e83-9.
- Angiotensin-(1-7) antagonist, A-779, microinjection into the caudal ventrolateral medulla of renovascular hypertensive rats restores baroreflex bradycardia. Cangussu LM, de Castro UG, do Pilar Machado R, Silva ME, Ferreira PM, dos Santos RA, Campagnole-Santos MJ, Alzamora AC. Peptides. 2009 Oct;30(10):1921-7.
- Antidepressant-like effect of Lafoensia pacari A. St.-Hil. ethanolic extract and fractions in mice. Galdino, P.M. ; NASCIMENTO, M.V.M. ; Sampaio, B.L. ; Ferreira, R.N. ; Paula, J.R. ; Costa, E.A. . Journal of Ethnopharmacology, v. 124, p. 581-585, 2009.
- Anti-inflammatory, Antinociceptive, and Sedating Effects of Lafoensia pacari Aqueous Extrct. MATOS, L. G. ; Santos, L. R. ; FERREIRA, R. N. ; Pontes, IS ; PAULA, J. R. ; Elson Costa Alves . Pharmaceutical Biology, v. 46, p. 341-346, 2008.
- Renal sympathoinhibition induced by hypernatremia: involvement of A1 noradrenergic neurons. Pedrino GR, Rosa DA, Korim WS, Cravo SL. Auton Neurosci. 2008 Nov 3;142(1-2):55-63.
- Hemodynamic effect produced by microinjection of angiotensins at the caudal ventrolateral medulla of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Ferreira PM, Alzamora AC, Santos RA, Campagnole-Santos MJ. Neuroscience. 2008 Feb 19;151(4):1208-16
- Evidence for a role of AT(2) receptors at the CVLM in the cardiovascular changes induced by low-intensity physical activity in renovascular hypertensive rats. Rodrigues MC, Campagnole-Santos MJ, Machado RP, Silva ME, Rocha JL, Ferreira PM, Santos RA, Alzamora AC. Peptides. 2007 Jul;28(7):1375-82. Epub 2007 Jun 8.
- Do the cardiovascular effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) I involve ACE-independent mechanisms? new insights from proline-rich peptides of Bothrops jararaca. Ianzer D, Santos RA, Etelvino GM, Xavier CH, de Almeida Santos J, Mendes EP, Machado LT, Prezoto BC, Dive V, de Camargo AC. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2007 Aug;322(2):795-805.
- Angiotensin-(3-7) pressor effect at the rostral ventrolateral medulla. Ferreira PM, Souza Dos Santos RA, Campagnole-Santos MJ. Regul Pept. 2007 Jun 7;141(1-3):168-74.
- Neuropeptide Y in the medial basal hypothalamus and medial preoptic area during the induction of LH surge may be controlled by locus coeruleus. Rocha AA, Guerra-Sá R, Silveira NA, Anselmo-Franci JA, Franci CR. Neuropeptides. 2006 Feb;40(1):57-63.
- Nonpeptide AVE 0991 is an angiotensin-(1-7) receptor Mas agonist in the mouse kidney. Pinheiro SV, Simões e Silva AC, Sampaio WO, de Paula RD, Mendes EP, Bontempo ED, Pesquero JB, Walther T, Alenina N, Bader M, Bleich M, Santos RA. Hypertension. 2004 Oct;44(4):490-6.
- Angiotensin-(1-7) is an endogenous ligand for the G protein-coupled receptor Mas. Santos RA, Simoes e Silva AC, Maric C, Silva DM, Machado RP, de Buhr I, Heringer-Walther S, Pinheiro SV, Lopes MT, Bader M, Mendes EP, Lemos VS, Campagnole-Santos MJ, Schultheiss HP, Speth R, Walther T. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Jul 8;100(14):8258-63.
- Antisense mRNA for NPY-Y1 receptor in the medial preoptic area increases prolactin secretion. Silveira NA, Franci CR. Braz J Med Biol Res. 1999 Sep;32(9):1161-5.
- Kinin receptors mediating the effect of bradykinin on gastric acid secretion. Alzamora AC, Ferreira PM, de Oliveira CN, Alzamora F, Vieira MA. Regul Pept. 1998 Feb 2;73(2):113-7.